At last a couple of new interviews in our fun blog series, We are sewists! Today you'll get to read about two inspiring sewists I've had the pleasure of knowing for a few years and collaborate with from time to time: Charlotte and Anja.
(And here's part 1 and part 2 and part 4 of the blog series, in case you missed them.)
Charlotte / @trio_med_bus
NAME: Charlotte Johansson
INSTA-NAME: trio_med_bus
LIVE IN: Sweden
AGE: 44 years
WORK AS: I work with finance in my husbands business, and also work as a photographer.
STARTED SEWING: About 4 years ago, when my son was a couple of months old. (Before then I'd only sewn like curtains, and the only seams I knew where straight stitches and zig zag. What the other symbols on my little machine were I had no idea).
I thought the children's clothes in the stores were pretty boring, and suddenly found a page on Facebook with amazing home sewn clothes, and I thought "How hard can this be?"... So I purchased fabric, a couple of patterns to train with and got going. My first home sewn garment were a couple of pants for my boy and I was so proud of them. Then my daughters requested circle skirt dresses, and after that it just continued. I was sold! It was just so incredibly fun!
WHY I SEW: For me sewing is primarily relaxation. But also a way to be creative. I'm not really the type of person to just loaf around, I need stuff to do. So whenever I'm not sewing, I plan new projects. My list of things I want to sew is way too long, and also my children add new things to it.
Isn't it a wonderful feeling to be able to create and wear clothes you've sewn yourself? Or see the children so happy about their mama-sewn clothes? And when you feel you don't have anything fun in your wardrobe you can "just" head over to your sewing machine and make something. That's quite luxurious!
Sewn by Charlotte: A Sofia skirt (left pic), and two Lilly & Liam sweaters (right).
FAVOURITE PATTERN: It's so hard to choose just one favourite pattern. I have many, and Threads by Caroline's patterns are at the top. For my children I'd say the Lo leggings. My daughter loves leggings so I've sewn lots of them. They're a really fast make, but you can also work more with details like knee patches or side seam stripes. A very useful pattern in other words.
Apart from that, the new pants pattern Tyra & Todd is quickly becoming a favourite in our home. They're really cosy and both me and the kids like them so I've planned to sew more. Also, I love the Emma dress, the Sofia skirt, and the Linnéa top for myself. I really long for spring and warm temperatures now so I can start using some of what I've sewn before. And sew more of course (like I said, the list is long).
A SEWING TIP FROM ME: Spontaneously I'd say the aqua glue marker! I always keep it close. It's so useful to glue together seam allowances and other things you don't want to slide when sewing. It's a little life saver!
Alos, don't stress when you're sewing. It only increases the risk for blunders, and who wants to seam rip just because you didn't think it through before sewing... Sewing should be relaxing and fun.
Finally I need to promote using a projector. Personally I'm sold. You know the time consuming work of taping and tracing pdf patterns, the preparations before you can start sewing - that will suddenly be so much faster! Sure, you need to spend some time the first time you're using the projector, to install and calibrate it, but it's so worth it. Then you just project the pattern directly onto the fabric and cut. I think it's awesome!
Anja / @a_siwsiw_thing